Saturday, May 15, 2010


Starting a blog is always difficult.  I should know - I've had about five before.  Five blogs completely unread except for the few friends I could bribe / threaten to comment on them.
Not sure if this one will be any different, but I'm not doing this for the fame.  The idea really came to me when my bf and I were playing a Bible trivia game last week.  I've been a Christian since I was 6 years old (18 long years ago!) yet I did not do half as well as I first expected.  In fact, it was quite embarrassing.  That's when I realized that I've never even read the whole Bible.  I've never even read half the Bible.  The only book I really know well is Matthew, and the stories of Genesis.  Never read all the Psalms.  Never even touched Nahum, or Habbakuk, or other strange names.

So...what's the point?  The point is, how can I call myself a Christian when I've never even read the Christian holy book?  It's like the Jew who never read the Talmud, or the Muslim who never opened the Koran, or the Shinto who never Shinto holy book, whatever that's called.

Anyway, the Bible is FREE online at Bible Gateway.  So there's no real excuse for anyone who has the internet not to read it.  Especially Christians.  And especially me.

I decided to blog the Bible, one chapter at a time.  Yes, this will take forever - according to one website, there are 1,189 chapters in the Bible.  One per day equals about 3 years, give or take.  Egad that's a long time.  Especially for someone like me, who likes things quick and instant (microwave dinners, Netflix movies, text messaging (tht givs me n exse 2 spel lik this)).  But I thought about it this way.  I will live (hopefully) about 80 years.  I have already lived 24 1/2, so I have about 55 to go.  I can definitely take 3 of those if the fate of my afterlife might hang in the balance!  That leaves 52 years of earthly free time, plus peace of mind.  Don't get me wrong.  I know I'm going to heaven when I die, but I don't want to go there and hear God say, "Why didn't you read the book I left for you?  Why didn't you live your life the way I wrote about?  You've really disappointed Me."  

So....I'm reading the Bible.  And blogging it.  Because I'm a 21st century kind of girl.

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